Sunday, July 29, 2012


I am a girl who loves fashion, but sometimes I get into an artistic rut when it comes to style. A month back I was looking through The Cat's Meow and was seeing the same thing day by day in different versions... and I was not excited about it. I told myself that I would do a closet overhaul and take a vacation from documenting my outfits to search deeper into the world of fashion.

Well... I did the closet overhaul... which basically gave me an excuse to shop more... and picked up some new trendy pieces. I added a maxi dress, a color blocked tunic, lots of polka dots, a new version of my favorite cardi, and a stripped skirt. Oh ya! A pair of Hello Kitty sunglasses too!(Let's be real... we all know I added more then that, HA) 

I am looking forward to seeing how I play with some of my new pieces, but I have also determined if it is not broken don't fix it!! While I was going through my closet I fell in love with my clothes all over again. I have decided to do this how I want to, and this has turned into a quest to find myself through fashion. 

 So here's the thing...

I'm me. And I love cardigans.