Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown

I saw this skirt and instantly had to have it!! I love the print (sorry no close up), and how it reminds me of Charlie Brown's shirt! (It is zig zagged.) I loved that it has the trendy print and cut but I can still wear it with alot of things.

I typically don't wear skirts this length, but I thought that if I kept it simple it would balance the length. I paired it with a black knit and tights. I added a little color to the outfit in my scarf to make it more Jess like!!

Skirt - LOFT
Knit - LOFT
Jacket - Gap
Boots -BareTraps 
Scarf - H&M

Well...The Mayan's Were Wrong

As the year is coming to an end, I have been reflecting, as many people do. This year I have done so many things, made new memories, new friends, traveled, and started to explore who I really am.

Here are a few of my favorites from the year!

I am so excited for what 2013 has to offer, and I wish everyone a healthy and safe New Year!!